Leaked: Another Samsung Fitness Tracker That May Launch With The Galaxy S5


The app 28 million fitness freaks use

Jason Jacobs

Unlike Samsung’s newly announced Gear Fit, which debuted at Mobile World Congress just weeks ago, the S Band doesn’t have a screen. This means the fitness tracker uses its sensors to gather health data and sends it to your smartphone, where you’ll be able to see information (burned p90X3 workouts calories, distance ran, etc.) through Samsung’s S Health app and Activity Tracker app. It’ll also be able to check your sleeping habits, the leaked brochure says: “Monitor your daily activities (Calories, Steps, Distance) and Sleep Efficiency.” Like some other wearable devices, the S Band claims it will send a buzz to your wrist if you’re receiving a call, an SMS message or if you stray too far from your phone. You can choose to wear the tracker as a clip or in a wristband in various colors including white, yellow, black and orange.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.businessinsider.com/samsung-fitness-tracker-may-launch-with-galaxy-s5-2014-3

Community teams take fitness routines to the next level

JourneyCare Team Mojo’s mascot, Irish Marie, weighed in at a svelte 9 pounds. In addition to supporting the Fittest Loser team, she serves as a therapy dog.

In future RunKeeper is likely to morph into a fully fledged niche social network, with a fitness feed borrowing from Facebook’s famous design. RunKeeper is more than a product, Jacobs says. It has become a movement of sorts, and that is something we are very proud of. Jason Jacobs: connecting fitness fanatics. That’s the brief version of the story.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.smh.com.au/small-business/franchising/the-app-28-million-fitness-freaks-use-20140312-34m1v.html

As member Heather Spencer stated: My butt needed the kicking. JourneyCare Team Mojo takes the idea of teamwork seriously and playfully. This week, team members introduced their team mascot, Irish Marie, an adorable Shih-Poo that serves as a therapy dog at JourneyCare. And from what were told, not only is the 12-year-old pooch a popular social butterfly-type among patients, families and staff, she is also in top-dog shape. The Diet Pepsi All-Stars Team didnt like counting calories this week, but they did it anyway.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20140317/entlife/140318688/
